Sunday, December 16, 2012


I've been taking another ceramics class over the last 4 weeks. My work seems to be progressing in small increments.  It has helped having a wheel at home but it still seems awkward at times. I've been trying to make things for Christmas gifts. This too has been an aggravation. Not having a kiln at home and having to rely on someone else (who isn't always careful with your stuff) is truly irritating. The above pots have been bisque fired and were glazed today.
Glazing in a bizaar thing. You paint on these matte shades of red, green or some ash variation. Once they are fired they have these lustrious colors and can really change something you had doubts about into something gift worthy.
Blue rutile with a chowder glaze.
Oddly, I can't remember how this color was described on the bottle.
Midnight blue over blue rutile.

1 comment:

  1. These turned out great Rachel! I can't wait to see how the next batch turned out. (I like your new blog background picture to.)
